You guys know I like to stay up on trends. That's why I'm so big in to skateboarding lately. I just really like skitching. It's pretty relaxing. But anyways, one of the big trends so far this year in the NBA is throat tattoos. First DeShawn Stevenson got one so that people would remember who DeShawn Stevenson is:

Then JR Smith got one so people would forget who DeShawn Stevenson is:

All in all, seems like a pretty chill place to get a tattoo. Plus it's a really great look. It gives you a chance to brand yourself (metaphorically and physically) in a place that people don't expect. Basically, it's going viral on your own body. Pretty smart.
But I can't decide what I want to get across the front of my neck. I've got some ideas though.
But I can't decide what I want to get across the front of my neck. I've got some ideas though.
Might get my favorite player tattooed on my throat.

Might one up them and get my own face tattooed on my throat.

So help me, Internet. What should I get tattooed on my throat?
You should get a tatoo of yourslef showing off your neck tatoo, etc. An endless tatoo.
I say go with your own face with the Kaman woodchuck dunk pose. Then caption underneath stating "Dat Ass". Macho Man Savage is also a good one.
I would say Fillmore on a motorcycle and he's ramping over alligators and the alligators have guns but they can't hit Fillmore because he's ramping so hard. Maybe he could also be doing the metal horns hand thing.
I would tatoo a picture of Tim Duncan eating a philly cheesesteak on your neck.
I Like Turtles Kid.
DeShawn Stevenson and JR Smith in a jump ball, with the basketbal on your adams apple
I find the tattoo on the forehead to be classiest
but what do I know?
Neck tatoos are gnarly, i think everyone that has one owns a gun too.
I think you must choose cartoon of your own face because it will be funny and it will attracts attention of other people.
From :
Fairy Tattoo
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