1. "The Big Smooth" is one of the best nicknames in the history of basketball.
2. Perfected three important NBA hairstyles:
4. Hosts "Big Smooth's Coolout" which raises money for pediatric AIDS. This really is awesome.
5. Was a part of the picture below, which may very well be the best photograph ever captured.

but what about the moniker that Sam Perkins also goes by? Hint: The eyes have it!
As part of my senior year high-school government class, we had to volunteer to help a candidate of our choice. We were at Representative Martin Frost's campaign office in Dallas when in walked Sam Perkins. He was a real nice guy and very laid back. I guess thats why one of the kids decided to say "Why don't you come up to the gym and play ball with us sometime, cuz?" to which Sam replied, "My name's Sam not 'cuz'. If you want me to reply call me 'Sam'". Hysterical. Everybody laughed, even Sam.
you're not the only one with an awesome picture
screwed that up...lets try that again
you're not the only one with an awesome picture
I would be elated to have my picture taken with Sam Perkins, but alas, that isn't me. Someday though....
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