1. JUMPSHOT: Square up to the hoop. Get balanced. Knees shoulder width apart. Jump straight up, and land where you started. Eyes on the rim.
2. DRIVING TO THE RIM: Stay under control. Use an attack move. Prepare for help defenders. Make good decisions.
3. FINISHING AT THE RIM: Strength is the key. Concentration is crucial. Release the ball as close to the rim as possible. Play through the contact. Take the defender up with you.
4. USE YOUR OFF HAND: Strengthen your off arm. Jump off your inside foot. Practice until if feels natural.
5. HAVE FUN - Enjoy the game. Smile.

this must be a different player than the one from Duke and Memphis Grizzlies. that guy's offense was always just: dunk, dunk, offensive foul, wild attack to the rim with 2 missed free throws.
Same guy. Same game. Someone just told him to try shooting, which was bad idea jeans.
Anytime someone models their 'game' after Bruce Bowen, you know he's a total scrub.
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