I am so happy to have escaped the beautiful city of Toronto for the sweltering heat of Miami. For this, I happily dunk.

I am quite obviously insane, yet still employed by an NBA team. Though clearly psychotic, I have a championship ring. For this, I giddily dunk.

I have grown my hair out to appear more Nowitzki-ish. It looks pretty flowing. For this, I cheerfully dunk.
I am fortunate to play with the previous best point guard in basketball, and now the current best point guard in basketball. They get me easy shots. For instance, this dunk, which I will joyously perform.

I have somehow eluded the giant Yao Ming. My sneaky Kiwi ways have come in handy yet again. For this, I will ecstatically dunk.

Because he appreciates my blonde locks, my hairsake Dirk Nowitzki has allowed me the chance for yet another two-handed dunk. For this, I gladly dunk.

Fine. I'll dunk again. This time jovially.
Good evening,
My name is Richie Denis, I’m the director of business development at MVN.com.
I found your blog in a google search. I was wondering if perhaps you’d be interesting in establishing your blog at MVN.
We’d love to have a blog of your quality on the Most Valuable Network where we enjoy 40,000 page views daily.
There are a few different options:
1. You can write for one of MVN.com’s blog and promote your current blog through this site. All that we ask is that you post to MVN atleast once a week.
2. You can move your blog over to the Most Valuable Network.com and establish yourself there.
3. You can create your own blog on MVN and do a mixture of the two prior options!
Please let me know if you’re interested. As I said before we’d love to have you aboard! I can get you up and blogging right away.
Suggestions are welcome.
Richie Denis
Director of Business Development
Most Valuable Network
No thank you, Rich.
Sean Marks, rocking the permanent O Face.
Good Evening.
My name is Rich LoserTown, and I'd like to spam you to Bolivian. Please accept this comment, which is in no way related to your post, to serve as a proper method of spamming.
Consider yourself spammed. Ole!
Suggestions on how to dupe you further are appreciated.
Richard LoserTown
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