A lower tier "starlet" and her Adam Levine/Brody Jenner imitation boyfriend. Or:A knock-off Harrison Ford type.
The Staples center is a place to be seen, and since no self-respecting celebrity is going to waste their precious time watching a basketball game, why should any real celebrity attend. That's why you get has-beens and never-will-be's at a Bucks game in November. That makes sense to me.
Apparently, it makes sense to Phil Jackson too. How else can you explain him playing a Yi Jianlian knock-off?
All that being said, nothing will justify this:
C'mon people. I thought we were past the socks and Birkenstocks. I guess it's true what they say: You can't kill hippies, no matter how hard you try.
(No hippies were harmed in the making of this joke.)
I was surprised not to see Lou Adler. He's the Donald Sutherland knock-off who usually sits to the left of Jack.
You'd of thought he couldn't afford NOT to be seen next to Jack, no matter who the opponent.
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