June 29, 2005


After last night's NBA Draft, I was inspired to get a posse because I wouldn't want to end up in a situation where I would want to be celebrating with a bunch of people but no one is around. But I don't think I want the typical friends posse, since I already have that in the Fites. Instead, I want an Wild Wild West posse, Will Smith style. That being said, the application to join my posse follows. Applications can be submitted via comment.

Application for Admission to Trey Kerby's Posse

Date of Birth:
M F (circle one)
Weaponry Skills:
(please list all)

Technological Skills:

Other Skills:

Communicable Diseases:

Celebrity Crush:

Favorite Band:


Thank you for your interest in joining Trey Kerby's posse.
Your application will be processed and you will be notified of the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Name: Tinkerbell
Date of Birth: May 20, 1896
Gender: F (for freakin awesome)
Height: 2.3 inches
Weight: Can you keep a secret? So can I!!
Weaponry Skills: I can fly, convince lost boys to shoot people with a bow and arrow, not to mention having killer legs.
Technological skills: Um hello, I can FLY...oh and by the way...I can make you fly too. Yeah, thats right.
Other skills: I make great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Celebrity crush: Peter Pan...and the drummer for the Feedback Whales. I hear he rocks...hard.
Favorite band: The Feedback Whales.
Other: If you allow me to be a part of your "posse" I will kill on command. Yeah, thats right.