Oh, so beautifool, ze streets of Parree. Tonay love-a ze streets of Parree. Espayshully by ze motorbike. Tonay grew up on motorbike. So many time Tonay go to ze bistro to get ze baguette on ze motorbike.
Ze key, Evas, make-a sure zat you smile so beeg. Smile as beeg as you can make smile. I make-a sure to get you helmeet zat shows-a yo face. Tonay always thinking.
Eva: Oh, Tony. Look how everyone recycles here and drives economy cars.
Tony: Je vais vous violer.
Eva: I love it when you speak French.
Being a scooter fan, I only casually notice Eva (nice shoes, btw) and ogle the ride. Seriously.
Make all the fun you want: I can think of worse things than zipping around Paris with Eva Longoria holding on behind me. Props to Tony.
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